Supporting workers and preventing violence through economically supportive policies 

NCCADV is committed to preventing violence through research and advocacy for trauma informed workplaces.  We promote organizational policies and practices that give vital economic supports to survivors of violence and their children, on their journeys to safety. That is why NCCADV is very excited to introduce a new training series for our members called Healing Our Workplaces. 


From our 2022 Health Impact Assessment on the state of Paid Family Leave in NC we learned about the magnitude of racial health disparities & gender pay inequity.  This publication also highlights survivor stories that illustrate the negative economic impacts from a lack of paid leave.  One of the largest disparities learned is that Black and Hispanic adults are two times less likely to have access to paid family leave than white adults. 

Learning from Paid Family Leave Health Impact Assessment:

1.  An estimated 58% of new parents in NC take two months of less of leave after birth of a child.
2.  Paid leave improves maternal-child health outcomes such as (a) increased length of breastfeeding (b) increased well baby care and vaccinations (c) greater emotional investment in caregiving among fathers.

As part of the national Restoryation Project, we collaborated with 23 other state domestic violence (DV) coalitions to gather data through storytelling on the impact of COVID-19 on the DV workforce.  From this work we learned that DV workers in NC have higher rates of burnout at work than national averages.

Of people needing paid family leave, Black and Hispanic adults are 2x less likely to be able to take leave than white adults.

25% of DV advocates experiencing burnout in North Carolina.

23% of DV advocates experiencing burnout nationally.

30% of DV advocates feel energized by their work in North Carolina.

55% of DV advocates feel energized by their work nationally.

Healing Our Workplaces Training Series: 

These findings all led to the creation of the Healing Our Workplaces training series.  Our primary goal is to strengthen economic stability for workers through providing training and support for implementing organizational policies and trauma-informed workplace practices.  In this training series, we will take a deeper look at paid family leave, sick/safe leave, bereavement leave policies, and how to apply the Trauma-informed Organizational Policy (TIOP) guiding framework to policy review and change.  This training also offers optional individualized coaching to apply the policy and practice change in participants’ organizations.  

For this program, success looks like improved health, educational, economic and social policies at an organizational level, all of which are associated with lower levels of violence in our communities.  

What does success look like?  Desired outcomes for NCCADV members.

Less weak health, economic and social policies/laws.

Lowered societal income inequity.

Improved social and economic policies.

Increased coordination of resources and services among community gardens.

Increased community support and connectedness.


Ultimately, we want our biggest impact to be on DV workers across the state.   By codifying trauma-informed organizational policies, these staff supports are sustainable beyond the staff who implement them.  These programs will live on in the lives of the people and the communities they’ve effected.  Children will be cared for, parents will have their physical and emotional needs met, and workers across the state will have the financial security they need to be able to prioritize thriving over their livelihood. 

How do we measure organizational care through trauma-informed change?

Organizational policy changes that economically support their workforce and improve worker health:
-sick/safe leave
-paid family leave
-bereavement leave
-compassionate leave
-flexible schedulieng
-pregnancy and lactation accommodations
-trauma informed supervision

Member organizations with new or improved policies.

More workers feeling supported by their organizations.

More Information 

  1. Prevent Violence NC  –
  1. Trauma Informed NC  –