Who Can Become a Member?

Membership is open to domestic violence agencies, community partners, colleges, and individuals. If you share our vision of eliminating domestic violence in North Carolina, we invite you to become a member!

Father and mother with a happy toddler.

Membership Benefits

  • Free access to our trainings
  • Get answers to your questions, program materials, and tailored support (technical assistance) on a variety of topics
  • Members-only email list
  • Networking and peer learning opportunities
  • Discounted registration fee for our biennial conference
  • Access to resources such as toolkits, quick guides, awareness materials, tip sheets, and more!

*All services are based on our staff and resource availability. Any changes in membership fees will be announced at least 6 months before taking effect.

Membership Categories


  • Provide comprehensive services for victims of domestic violence, teen dating violence, and/or stalking (ex: 24/7 crisis line, emergency shelter, court advocacy, etc.).
  • Have advocates who are subject to the provision of the victim advocate privilege statute CRS 13-90-107 (1)(K)
  • Support the mission, vision, and values of the Coalition

Additional Benefits

  • One training per year, by request, specific to agency staff’s needs
  • Voting rights in elections and voting sessions put before the membership


Annual fee is 0.1% of your annual domestic violence budget (.001 x DV budget). Minimum fee is $25, maximum fee is $1,000.

Domestic Violence Agency Memberships operate on a calendar year schedule. Every year, on December 31st, membership expires no matter when you paid for it. Membership dues are not pro-rated.


  • Any organization that supports the mission, vision, and values of the Coalition
  • Does not provide domestic violence crisis services

Examples of Community Partner Members include (but are not limited to):

  • legal services
  • health services
  • religious communities
  • domestic violence intervention programs (formerly referred to as abuser treatment programs)
  • businesses
  • organizations who help domestic violence survivors who are not in crisis (ex: therapy, support groups, community awareness)


Community Partner Members pay a yearly fee based on annual budget.

  • Organizations with an annual budget less than $150,000 pay $50/calendar year.
  • Organizations with an annual budget between $150,000 and $500,000 pay $150/calendar year.
  • Organizations with an annual budget more than $500,000 pay $250/calendar year.

Community Partner Memberships operate on a calendar year schedule. Every year, on December 31st, membership expires no matter when you paid for it. Membership dues are not pro-rated.


Campus Members are colleges and universities in North Carolina that:

  • Work directly or indirectly with victims/survivors and/or perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV)
  • Strive to reduce IPV through education, policy, and/or social change
  • Support the mission, vision, and values of NCCADV
  • Do not meet the qualifications of a Domestic Violence Agency Member


All members have access to training, technical assistance, and onsite support. Benefits apply to staff, faculty, and/or students on your campus.

Training: You are able to attend all of our virtual and in-person trainings available, including specific Campus Program trainings. This includes our 3-day in-person Advocates’ Institute and other topics such as Responding to Student Disclosures of IPV, and Title IX and Trauma-Informed Responses. Campus Members can also request our on-site campus-specific trainings for your faculty/staff, administration, or student leaders. For a list of trainings available for Campus Members to request, please contact us.

Technical Assistance: Technical assistance (TA) is collaborative problem solving and resource sharing. Campus Members can receive TA from the campus program and all programs here at NCCADV. Schools that have CCRTs can receive support from the Campus Program through TA or meeting attendance. As a campus member, you also have access to attend monthly virtual meetings with fellow NC colleges to share stories, ideas, and receive feedback and TA.

Onsite support: Campus work is collaborative, face-to-face work. Campus Members often ask NCCADV to visit your campus to assist with implementing a new response strategy, creating a new taskforce, or building community on campus. Campus Members receive onsite support with membership to aid in the TA provided. Sometimes this looks like a half or full day visit with meetings and training on campus.


Beginning September 1, 2024, Campus Membership is $150/year for 4-year institutions and $50/year for community colleges.

Campus Memberships operate on a yearly schedule from September 1 to August 31. Every year, on August 31, Campus Membership expire no matter when you paid for it. Membership dues are not pro-rated.

Additional Information

Parking costs for on-site services must be covered by the college/university.

Each Campus Membership helps us strengthen the anti-violence movement across North Carolina. Join us today as we foster connections among campus professionals who are striving to make our state free from intimate partner violence.


Individual & Student Members are individuals who support the mission, vision, and values of NCCADV.


Individual & Student Members can access most of our trainings and resources. Some trainings are reserved for only organizational members.


Individual & Student Membership annual fee is pay-what-you-can between $5 and $50. Fee is paid through our membership platform, not our Donation page (though you’re welcome to make a donation in addition to your membership fee!).

Membership Opportunities for Culturally-Specific Organizations

  • Culturally-specific organizations use a pay-what-you-can fee structure.
  • Includes organizations who are often under-served in the domestic violence field.
  • NCCADV offers peer learning opportunities solely for members who are culturally specific organizations.
  • Please contact us for more information!

Become a member today!

Payment Information

The membership fee can be paid in full, on a monthly payment plan, or on a quarterly payment plan. Please contact us if the fee is not affordable for you or your organization. We are happy to discuss how NCCADV membership can be more accessible for you!

Any member who cancels their membership during the membership year will still be responsible for any remaining membership fee payments. Fees already paid will not be refunded upon membership cancellation.