NCCADV leads the state’s movement to end domestic violence, and we recognize that a key part of ending domestic violence is creating and communities to become increasingly more safe, stable, and nurturing. We are therefore compelled to oppose any legislation that removes community supports for any person, including trans and gender nonconforming people.

Recently introduced state legislation would prohibit trans and gender nonconforming youth and young adults from seeking affirming healthcare, engaging fully in school activities, and being their full selves without fear of outing. These proposals increase the risk that trans and gender nonconforming and young adults will experience violence victimization y negative health outcomes. We have studied the health impact of similar legislation in NC and found that anti-trans legislation increased suicidal ideations, discrimination, social isolation, and violence victimization among trans and gender nonconforming people across our state.

Building and increasing access to community supports is an important way to create healthy, safe communities and prevent violence. To do this, medical care must be safe and affirming for everyone, especially survivors. We envision a North Carolina in which every child feels safe and affirmed in school, is celebrated in their identity and expression, and is encouraged to be who they are without fear. An important part of being affirmed and feeling connected in school environments is having the opportunity to participate fully in the school community through sports and other extracurricular activities that help youth and young adults and strong peer groups. We believe that all students should have access to these important experiences. Ultimately, it is the strength of our relationships in community that equip us all to respond to and prevent domestic violence. 

Join NCCADV in promoting policies that ensure our communities are safe, healthy, and affirming. Below are some resources to learn more about domestic violence prevention and some policies and practices that support trans and gender nonconforming people. Reach out to your NC legislator today to tell them that you join NCCADV in supporting safe, healthy communities for all.
