NCCADV does not provide direct services. If you or someone you care about needs services, please contact the crisis line number for the local domestic violence agency in your county on our Get Help page.

If you are in immediate danger or need immediate services, call 911 or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

We provide comprehensive information and resources that help local providers better serve survivors in their communities. Use the contact form below to reach us regarding questions about domestic violence, membership, services in North Carolina, or our programs. You may also call us during business hours.

Please only provide email and phone numbers that are safe for us to use to contact you.

Contact Form

If you have a question and you aren’t sure who can best answer it, please submit it as a General Question or Comment and it will be routed to the correct staff member(s). This is the quickest way to get a response.

For media requests, please submit contact form as a Media Request from the drop-down.

Please also be advised that by law, if you provide any information to us that causes us to suspect that any juvenile is abused, neglected, or dependent, as defined by NC General Statute 7B-101, or has died as the result of maltreatment or gives us reasonable cause to believe that a adult with a legal guardian is in need of protective services we may be required by law to report the case of that juvenile or adult to the director of the department of social services in the county where the juvenile or adult resides or is found.

Other 24/7 Resources For Survivors

National Domestic Violence Hotline
1.800.799.SAFE (7233)