COVID-19 Updates

DONATE HERE to the Night of Safety Fund - Help support survivors of domestic violence, whom have increased due to COVID-19 stressors

Click here for the most up-to-date COVID resources!


Key Resources:


DVAM Resources  Domestic Violence Awareness Month resources.


FAQs for DV Service Providers  Actual answers to your questions about COVID-19 and shelter, remote work, staff safety, and much more!


COVID-19 Resources: NC, US, and DV-specific  Links to tons of relevant external resources.


Calendar: COVID-19 Webinars and Calls  All the webinars and calls in one place! 


These links are being continually updated with new information as it becomes available.

Update: NCCADV Statement in Support of Protests

Update: Statement in Support of Protests - June 4, 2020

The North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence's Statement in Support of Protests (PDF).

The North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence is outraged by and grieving the recent murders and violence against Black people in America.  As we watch the list of individual names of Black victims grow, we know that we are called in this moment to speak out against the systemic racism that underlies the violence, to support the groundswell of protests in response to these killings, and to stand on the side of justice in our work as an agency. As an organization committed to ending violence, we cannot work to end some forms of violence while standing by and watching as violence against entire communities goes unchecked. We grieve with the families of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Tony McDade, Atatiana Jefferson, David McAtee, Marcus Deon Smith, Tasharra Thomas, Eugene Harston, Gilbert Barber, Darryl Howerton, Jonathan Ferrell, Keith Lamont Scott, Lavante Biggs, and countless other people whose names we will never know.

Read more: Update: NCCADV Statement in Support of Protests

Updates: NCCADV Night of Safety Fund

Update: NCCADV Night of Safety Fund - April 23, 2020

The North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCCADV) has launched the ‘A Night of Safety’ Fund to address the surging cost of providing shelter to survivors caused by COVID19. The organization is seeking community support to raise $25,000 to pay for Coronavirus-related costs which include purchasing hotel rooms and prepaid cell phones to provide safety while social distancing.

This emerging health crisis continues to disrupt the daily lives of individuals living with abusive partners. These disruptions have catastrophic consequences, including increasing tensions at home, decreasing privacy and personal space, increasing opportunities for manipulation, and decreasing opportunities to connect with loved ones face-to-face. Despite the efforts of NCCADV and Domestic Violence Service Providers across the state, there is no doubt that for many survivors, the situation is dire.

Read more: Updates: NCCADV Night of Safety Fund



April 16, 2020

Applications for the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) and Expanded Econimic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) under the CARES Act are no longer being accepted, due to a lapse in funding. Applications that have already been received will still be considered on a first come, first served basis. See the US Small Business Administration website for more information.

Read more: CARES ACT Updates

State-Level Guidance

Update: Statewide "stay at home" order

March 31, 2020

Governor Cooper issued a shelter in place order for the state of North Carolina that went into effect on March 30 at 5:00 PM. For more information about what domestic violence agencies and survivors should know about the order, check our FAQs page.

Read more: State-Level Guidance

Letter from our Executive Director

March 20, 2020

Dear Members, Partners, and Friends,

Like you, NCCADV is monitoring the news and health department guidance about COVID-19 extremely closely. The situation is changing rapidly and we wanted to let you know about the additional steps we are taking as an office.

Based on the latest advisory from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), we are initiating further steps to do our part to prevent or slow the spread of COVID-19:

Read more: Letter from our Executive Director