¿Quién puede afiliarse?

La membresía está abierta a las agencias contra la violencia doméstica, los socios comunitarios, universidades y personas particulares. Si compartes nuestra visión por eliminar la violencia doméstica de Carolina del Norte, ¡te invitamos a que te unas a la membresía!

Father and mother with a happy toddler.

Beneficios de la Membresía

  • Acceso gratuito a nuestras capacitaciones
  • Respuestas a tus preguntas, materiales del programa y apoyo personalizado (asistencia técnica) sobre diversos temas
  • Lista de correo electrónico exclusiva para la membresía
  • Oportunidades para la creación de redes y el aprendizaje entre iguales
  • Descuento en la inscripción a nuestra conferencia bienal
  • Acceso a recursos como kits de herramientas, guías rápidas, materiales de sensibilización, hojas de consejos y mucho más.

*Todos los servicios se basan en la disponibilidad de nuestro equipo y recursos. Cualquier cambio en las cuotas de membresía se anunciará al menos 6 meses antes de que entre en vigor.

Categorías de Membresía


  • Provide comprehensive services for victims of domestic violence, teen dating violence, and/or stalking (ex: 24/7 crisis line, emergency shelter, court advocacy, etc.).
  • Have advocates who are subject to the provision of the victim advocate privilege statute CRS 13-90-107 (1)(K)
  • Support the mission, vision, and values of the Coalition

Additional Benefits

  • One training per year, by request, specific to agency staff’s needs
  • Voting rights in elections and voting sessions put before the membership


Annual fee is 0.1% of your annual domestic violence budget (.001 x DV budget). Minimum fee is $25, maximum fee is $1,000.


  • Any organization that supports the mission, vision, and values of the Coalition
  • Does no provide domestic violence crisis services

Examples of Community Partner Members include (but are not limited to):

  • Servicios legales
  • health services
  • religious communities
  • domestic violence intervention programs (formerly referred to as abuser treatment programs)
  • businesses
  • organizations who help domestic violence survivors who are not in crisis (ex: therapy, support groups, community awareness)


Community Partner Members pay a yearly fee based on annual budget.

  • Organizations with an annual budget less than $150,000 pay $50/calendar year.
  • Organizations with an annual budget between $150,000 and $500,000 pay $150/calendar year.
  • Organizations with an annual budget more than $500,000 pay $250/calendar year.

Community Partner Memberships operate on a calendar year schedule. Every year, on December 31st, membership expires no matter when you paid for it. Membership dues are not pro-rated.


Campus miembros son universidades de Carolina del Norte que:

  • Trabajan directa o indirectamente con víctimas/sobrevivientes y/o perpetradores de la violencia de pareja íntima. 
  • Se esfuerzan por reducir la IPV a través de la educación, las políticas y/o el cambio social
  • Apoyan la misión, visión y valores de la NCCADV
  • No cumplen con los requisitos de una agencia contra la violencia doméstica 


All members have access to training, technical assistance, and onsite support. Benefits apply to staff, faculty, and/or students on your campus.

Training: You are able to attend all of our virtual and in-person trainings available, including specific Campus Program trainings. This includes our 3-day in-person Advocates’ Institute and other topics such as Responding to Student Disclosures of IPV, Serving LGBTQ+ Students, and Title IX and Trauma-Informed Responses. Campus Members can also request our on-site campus-specific trainings for your faculty/staff, administration, or student leaders. For a list of trainings available for Campus Members to request, please visit modelcampus.org/trainings.

Technical Assistance: Technical assistance (TA) is collaborative problem solving and resource sharing. Campus Members can receive TA from the campus program and all programs here at NCCADV. Schools that have CCRTs can receive support from the Campus Program through TA or meeting attendance. As a campus member, you also have access to attend monthly virtual meetings with fellow NC colleges to share stories, ideas, and receive feedback and TA.

Onsite support: Campus work is collaborative, face-to-face work. Campus Members often ask NCCADV to visit your campus to assist with implementing a new response strategy, creating a new taskforce, or building community on campus. Campus Members receive onsite support with membership to aid in the TA provided. Sometimes this looks like a half or full day visit with meetings and training on campus.


Beginning September 1, 2024, Campus Membership is $150/year for 4-year institutions and $50/year for community colleges.

Campus Memberships operate on a yearly schedule from September 1 to August 31. Every year, on August 31, Campus Membership expire no matter when you paid for it. Membership dues are not pro-rated.

Additional Information

Parking costs for on-site services must be covered by the college/university.

Each Campus Membership helps us strengthen the anti-violence movement across North Carolina. Join us today as we foster connections among campus professionals who are striving to make our state free from intimate partner violence.


Personas particulares y estudiantes miembros son personas individuales que apoyan la misión, la visión y los valores de la NCCADV.


Individual & Student Members can access most of our trainings and resources. Some training are reserved for only organizational members.


Individual & Student Membership annual fee is pay-what-you-can between $5 and $50. Fee is paid through our membership platform, no our Donation page (though you’re welcome to make a donation in addition to your membership fee!).

Descuento De Membresía Para Organizaciones Culturalmente Específicas

  • Las organizaciones culturalmente específicas reciben un descuento en las tarifas de membresía, según una estructura de paga-lo-que-puedas.
  • Esto incluye organizaciones que sirven a comunidades que han sido marginadas. Estas comunidades a menudo están desatendidas en el campo de la violencia doméstica. Los ejemplos incluyen pero no se limitan a:
    • Universidades Históricamente Negras (HBCUs)
    • Centros LGBTQ
    • Organizaciones religiosas no-Cristianas
    • Servicios para inmigrantes
    • Organizaciones de personas latinas
  • La NCCADV ofrece oportunidades de aprendizaje entre iguales únicamente para miembros que son organizaciones culturalmente específicas.

¡Únete a la Membresía Hoy!

Información Sobre El Pago

La cuota de membresía puede pagarse en su totalidad, en un plan de pagos mensual o en un plan de pagos trimestral. Por favor, ponte en contacto si la cuota no es accesible para ti o tu organización. ¡Estamos felices de platicar de qué manera puede ser más accesible para ti la membresía de NCCADV!